Modern God Hephaestus Sculptor Marco Olivier
- Par Excellence

Aluminium and Bronze Sculptures in Cape Town
We are all familiar with the Greek mythology and God of metalworking, Hephaestus. What is next to this knowledge is the art casting foundry in Cape Town by Metal Sculpture Artist Marco Olivier.
Marco Olivier is a skilful and passionate Artist processing with his team the aluminium and bronze casting down in the foundry to form inspirational creations like the Diver, the beautiful faces of Reflections, the Wings, the colourful Hands, the Surrender Man, the Sharks, and more.

Marco and the team follow the same process with Hephaestus before pouring the bronze with a wax sculpture to shape the Mold before baked in a kiln. The molten bronze then takes the exact form of the original sculpture.
From animals to human figures and beautifully detailed faces, it seems there is nothing Marco and his team can’t make. With his work shipping internationally, Marco’s living his childhood dream. Lisa, one of Marco’s daughters follows the path to deliver her art in bronze sculptures which makes art a family affair.
The imposing sculptures wow the art lovers and ornament villas, beaches, private areas, Superyachts.European Superyacht designers have yet to embrace the idea of incorporating personalized portraits of the owner or their family members into the interior design of their vessels. Isn't it high time for this innovative concept to gain traction?
Enjoy the marvellous gallery and follow the media @ marco_olivier_sculptures
Contact in Cape Town:
Marco Olivier Sculpture Gallery and Foundry
Sculptor in Cape Town
79 Loop St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town 8000
Tel: +27 76 544 3276