Defining the strategy, the approach and the realistic appraisal of what is needed
– how, where, when and why – are the foundation on which security is built.
Paranoia & Insecurity
It is perhaps a sad truth that “a nicer life comes with greater strife”. This is exactly why owners of the world’s most luxurious yachts, and charter agencies, have to consider security as a significant part of their leisure while being in a port.

The risks of violence and criminality– robbery, kidnapping, terrorism, smuggling, cyber-attacks, intrusion, and extortion are real and present. They cannot and should not be ignored for the sake of everyone involved.
Criminals are aware of the potentially rich pickings when it comes to private yachts, and so it is vital that they are not seen as a vulnerable target.
Even the presence of a single security guard at the entrance of the yacht makes a big difference in the eyes of criminals.
It also makes a difference in the eyes of guests and it serves as a way to promote your yacht’s brand. When guests board your yacht and are immediately greeted by professional protection services they can enjoy a feeling of security and will view at your brand as being considerate for their wellbeing. However, security guards are more than hiring someone for an intimidating presence. They must be professional, dressed to represent your brand, bring a smile to your guests’ faces, and be professionally personable. All of these qualities can be hard to obtain without great soft skills and social dynamics, which is why XS INTERNATIONAL GmbH is the company that can represent your brand down to the finest detail of quality service.
Where there are lots of people it’s possible that someone may try to enter a yacht. This is most commonly done out of curiosity and without any bad intentions, but it is still unacceptable behavior and a security threat. Even though these cases are very rare, many guests don’t feel comfortable or secure without a security guard.
Imagine that this case was to happen on a private yacht without a security guard, someone would still have to be in charge of removing uninvited guests. This should never be the responsibility of guests on the ship or the crew that is preoccupied with keeping the vessel running smoothly.

Although the chance of someone trespassing on your yacht is minor, it can still cause a great amount of concern for your guests. The best way to attract new clientele is to keep them safe and make sure their every need is met, which includes their need for security. Having a guard who will be present at entrances, patrol the yacht all the time, protect belongings, and take care of guests’ needs can be a priceless service for many high-profile individuals.
When you have a large group of people waiting to board your yacht, it’s always a good idea to have someone to control that flow of the people. This is especially true if boarding takes place close to the sea where there is a risk of someone falling in. Depending on the individual and the scenario, such a situation if nothing else will ruin clothes, phones, and their plans for a good time out. Having a trained security professional at the ready ensures a smoother boarding process which diminishes guest’s chances of taking a risky fall, and in the case that a guest does fall, you can be assured that there is a professional on hand to provide immediate assistance.

Crowd control management is a specific training program that all of the individuals of XTREME SECURITY team need to learn. Crowd safety is not just about trying to merely control the crowd, it involves using the right kind of communication and effectuating the perfect leadership skills to manage the crowd. When a crowd is controlled by an experienced and trained security professional, even the most intense situations can be alleviated in a favorable manner..
Imagine that the event has already started, and your event coordinators could not board on the yacht since they still wait for some guests who are late. Now, you do not have enough staff who will welcome the guests and run an event program on the yacht at the same time. You do not know how many guests have boarded so far, and if there is still anyone on the dock waiting to board. At such a point, many things can go wrong, and the event can even be ruined without event coordinator. To make things worse, last-minute help is hard to find and even more difficult to rely on. Luckily, XTREME SECURITY professionals are experienced in assisting with events of all sizes and specifics, making them the perfect reliable fill-in at an overbooked or understaffed event.
Now imagine that the event is not over yet, but there are some elderly guests as well as couples with children aboard and they want to go back to the coast, but tenders are not around and nobody knows where they have gone. You can’t easily tell whether they are on the way back to the yacht or if they are with another group of people heading back to port.
XTREME SECURITY can control and manage tenders to ensure that guests never have to deal with the uncertainty and frustration of waiting for unpredictable tender services. All of these problems and more can be prevented as long as professionals in security and management are on board!

Health & Safety
Rules of conduct on yachts are mostly the same everywhere, and for those who are boaters or are frequent guests at yacht events, this is not a problem. However, there are always those who are on a yacht for the first time, and we should warn them if they accidentally violate the rules on board and thereby endanger the safety of themselves and others. Informing guests of these conduct codes in a polite and educational manner is key to maintaining a successful event and safety. Issues such as smoking on a yacht or leaving glasses on a terrace fence, for instance, must be addressed immediately, and XTREME SECURITY officers are professionals at relaying this information respectfully.

First Aid & Firefighting
All Xtreme Security operatives are certified internationally through the AREMT and Belgian Ministry of Health. They are CPR/AED qualified and possess Pediatric Health Care qualifications as well. These qualifications make them capable of assisting your crew in any type of health emergency.
Their security professionals are also STCW95 certified Ship Security Officers, trained in live-fire exercises. This certification has provided them with a comprehensive understanding of the theory of fire within an onboard environment. Since this knowledge is combined with a familiarity with the use of fixed and portable firefighting equipment, they can also assist the crew in case of fire.
Their Superyacht Security Service intervenes with operational standards of excellence, knowing how to easily adapt to the nature of the risk and the threat, whether it is a superyacht with a high density of guests, or whether it is necessary to intervene in smaller yacht charters, with a number of passengers limited to one family or a few people. They know how to recognize and adapt their terms of intervention in the most rigorous respect for privacy and in the most scrupulous observance of the rules of engagement. Xtreme Security staff is also extensively trained to be aware of and act in accordance with cultural expectations, customs and habits on board, the size of the Super Yacht, and many other situation-specific factors.

Xtreme Security has experience in managing security on prestige Yachts such as the “Christina O” for instance. We do not have to say more about “Christina O” than we already did.
Xtreme Security Protection teams are experienced, professional, discreet, and ready to address the growing threats in port and at sea. Their specialty is Counter-Piracy Crisis Management delivered to privately owned yachts. They are capable of mitigating threats to protect the crew, owners, and the reputations of everyone on board.
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